Terms of Use
Revised as of 01/2025
Please read our terms regarding claims and refunds. Purchasing on our site confirms you have read and agree to our Terms of Use.
Product Claims and Product Refund
All claims must be called in during the first 48 hours starting from the time of delivery by calling us directly at: 787.608.0465
If the products have been opened or tampered with we will NOT honor your claim. Please advise the recipient to leave the products intact.
We do not refund credit cards UNLESS their has been a fault on OUR behalf, [very unlikely]. Otherwise, and if we agree to the circumstances you will be issued a credit towards your next purchase.
Stolen Credit Card Claims
We will not be responsible for/ or issue refunds for lost or stolen credit cards used on our site. You, the card holder, have the responsibility to call your credit card company during the first 24 hours to report a stolen or lost card. You the credit card holder are responsible to monitor your purchases. Our shopping cart requires the Security numbers printed on the back of the credit cards. Without these numbers the order will not go through. If in the unlikely event, you have noticed an unusual purchase from our site, within the time you have reported your stolen or lost card , call us immediately so we can stop the order processing. Remember that you the card holder, will be refunded by the credit card company. No body responds for our loss!
Prices on our website
Prices shown for the product images are the base price for the item and does not include our delivery fees and the 11.5% PR Sales Tax. You need to select the delivery charge at the shopping cart. You may view delivery fees prior to placing your order clicking the link at the footer of each page.
We reserve the right to modify any given product and its price without prior notification.